Staying Positive in Business with the Coronavirus


In tough times we wonder why things are going wrong and how or what can we do to either fix things or do something a different way to make it work or for the weaker minded, just give up.

Quick thinking and actions are needed and ideas and solutions are sometimes created by thinking outside the box. Such times as this however there are also possibilities to be creative and innovative about your business and future.

At the moment there are mass job losses, financial worries, a health system boiling over, health workers drained.

One thing we have all come to appreciate and value are the frontline workers in health, transport, food supply, retail and many more that before March we all took so much for granted and didn’t even take a second look at.

These amazing and life saving frontline people who we all now applaud and appreciate so much.

We are privileged and extremely lucky that these heroes do what they do everyday for the love of what they believe in. The ultimate gift to us all. Thank you.

A very famous quote was once said “Never waste a good crisis”

A United world and joined local community.

Cities and skylines and rivers all around the world are the purest and cleanest they have ever been as the economies freeze until this crisis is over.

Air pollution has also dropped hugely around the heavy industrial cities of the world.

Our community spirit has never been stronger. We understand a lot more the importance of looking after one another whereas before only looking after ourselves.

Families for the first time have been united and are spending days and weeks, not minutes with young children and our children have never had the quality time they now have with their parents and siblings.

Our homes have become schools, everybody offering their help in any way they can to deliver groceries, collect pensions, technology means we can now at least see the faces and speak with family and friends all around the world.

We have seen amazing creativity online with innovative ideas and challenges from singing to GAA to pass the days with fun.

Balconies all around the world are in song, crime levels have fallen dramatically, the welcome home deliveries have never been higher and as our president Michael D has said that the Coronavirus provides us with a chance for the world and society as a whole ” to do things better”.

Ladybird Driving Schools positive Rapid response post COVID19 virus.

Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”

Businesses like ours either think outside the box and grow or wilt and die. If you’re not “ingear” you’re wasting your time.

So what was our rapid response to the Coronavirus. As always we take the positives out of this and our determination and passion to ensure a swift return to action is transferred to our team who at this time have never been closer.

These times not only gel communities but also your fellow work teams as well.

Our amazing driving instructors who were working extremely long hours sometimes 40-50 hours per week 7 days a week received a well earned break to spend time with their families.

We were first out of the blocks to look after our driving instructors and sent the COVID-19 payment document to all of our instructors ensuring their peace of mind on the financial side.

Two days after people started losing their jobs our recruitment began as we saw that a lot of unfortunate people may not return to their jobs and we wanted to offer an alternative and some positivity at a very tough and sad time.

We offered advice on what options they had with mortgages and loans and who and what to contact.

We talked and chatted to each instructor outlining what our rapid response plan will be.

We continue to have close contact with our team and update them on our weekly development work which will ultimately be at the benefit of all of our Instructors.

Our evolution in how we service our customers and our instructors are at the forefront here.

We have been able to upgrade our website to be fully operational with better functionality and our online shop will be finished soon.

We have a suite of videos and we continue editing and production of more online training videos.

Video conferencing and face time (which we had not been doing) has allowed us to continue to train our trainees on our online 4 week ADI training course and indeed on our stage 2 and stage 3 trainees.

Our automation of our billing and invoicing systems will become a click of a button.

Development of our operational guidelines in detail.

Formation of our 4 week online training syllabus which has been a huge success with 11 new trainees applying since the beginning of the virus.

Talks with our calling management system to streamline better information per call.

Osborne recruitment recently undertook a survey of business leaders and asked questions around the Coronavirus.

85% of Business leaders are confident their business will return to normal trading after the crisis.

Certainly these are very challenging times but we will come through this.

It may be a different way we have to go about our business but it’s the businesses that have the greater ability and capacity to adapt that will last and survive. Henry Ford’s quote above stops at “We can” for us at Ladybird driving school.

Again we would like to thank all of our frontline workers.

We will never forget how fragile life is and how our world and the way we live can can change so fast.In the future we should have a much greater awareness and appreciation on just what makes our lives a bit easier and never take for granted a single minute of any day and have a much better work/life balance.

Our team of Instructors,our ADI training team and our management team would like to wish you all a Happy Easter, Stay safe,keep positive and just do the simplest of tasks. STAY HOME!